时间社有书斋 |与华康德Loïc Wacquant对谈Bourdieu in the City

时间社有书斋 |与华康德Loïc Wacquant对谈Bourdieu in the City

THiS Book Boom Room

与华康德对谈Bourdieu in the City

This book panel will discuss Loïc Wacquant’s new book that offers a novel interpretation of Pierre Bourdieu as urban theorist. How do Bourdieu’s topological sociology give us the tools both to energize and challenge the canon of urban studies and to redraw their theoretical landscape? Three panelists will respond to this question drawing on their empirical studies situated in different continents.

作者/主谈人 (Author/Presenter)

Loïc Wacquant: Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley(加州大学伯克利分校社会学教授)


Marco Garrido: University of Chicago

Eric Klinenberg: New York University

Yue Zhang: University of Illinois Chicago

主持人 (Moderators)

Yan Long: University of California, Berkeley

Fei Yan: Tsinghua University

时间 (Time)

北京时间:2024年10月9日8:30 Beijing Time: October 9, 2024, 8:30 AM

美东时间:2024年10月8日20:30 Eastern Time (US): October 8, 2024, 8:30 PM

Zoom Room: 978-3632-6646

工作语言 (Language)

英语 (English)