自2022年2月成立以来,时间社THiS(Theory, History, Society)致力于推动历史社会科学和社会理论的思考、实践与对话。今年暑假,我们推出时间社课纲系列,定期授权分享社会理论与方法实践、历史学与社会科学交叉领域的相关课程教纲,供有兴趣的朋友参考。推出这个栏目,既是知识和经验的分享,也缘于教中学的理念。我们希望借此获取对课程设计的反馈,欢迎大家在评论区留言,提出建议或问题,也殷切期盼学界同好联系我们,在本公号发布相关课程大纲。
课程介绍 Course Description
阅读材料 Readings
本课程的阅读材料包括数本书籍、多篇期刊文章以及一个介绍性读本:Social Theory: Twenty Introductory Lectures (by Hans Joas and Wolfgang Knöbl, Cambridge University Press, 2009)。这个读本将作为本课程的学习指南。
刘思达,1980年生于北京,芝加哥大学社会学博士,北京大学法学学士。现任香港大学法律学院教授、社会学系礼任教授,曾任教于多伦多大学和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校。主要研究方向为法律社会学、职业社会学、社会学理论,多年来一直致力于关于中国法律职业的实证研究,并从事关于法律、职业、社会空间等理论问题的研究和写作。曾在《中国社会科学》《社会学研究》《法学研究》、American Journal of Sociology、Sociological Theory、Law & Society Review、China Quarterly等主要学术期刊上发表过数十篇中英文论文,并著有《失落的城邦:当代中国法律职业变迁》(北京大学出版社2008年版)、《割据的逻辑:中国法律服务市场的生态分析》(上海三联书店2011年版)、Criminal Defense in China: The Politics of Lawyers at Work(剑桥大学出版社2016年版)、The Asian Law and Society Reader(剑桥大学出版社2023年版)等学术著作。
当代社会学理论 Contemporary Sociological Theory
第1周:什么是理论?What Is Theory?
➤ Joas, Hans, and Wolfgang Knöbl. 2009. “What Is Theory?” Social Theory: Twenty Introductory Lectures (hereinafter “ST”). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1, pp. 1-19.
➤ Levine, Donald N. 1997. “Social Theory as a Vocation.” Perspectives 19(2): 1-16.
➤ Krause, Monika. 2016. “The Meanings of Theorizing.” British Journal of Sociology 67: 23-29.
第2周:功能与系统 Function and System
➤ST, Chapters 2-4, 11, pp. 20-93, 249-280.
➤Luhmann, Niklas. 1995. “System and Function.” Chapter 1, pp. 12-58 in Social Systems. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
第3周:结构与能动性 Structure and Agency
➤ST, Chapters 12 and 14, pp. 281-307, 339-370.
➤Sewell, William H. Jr. 1992. “A Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency, and Transformation.” American Journal of Sociology 98: 1-29.
➤Emirbayer, Mustafa, and Ann Mische. 1998. “What Is Agency?” American Journal of Sociology 103: 962-1023.
➤Fuchs, Stephan. 2001. “Beyond Agency.” Sociological Theory 19: 24-40.
第5周:因果性与时间性 Causality and Temporality
➤Abbott, Andrew. 1988. “Transcending General Linear Reality.” Sociological Theory 6: 169-186.
➤Abbott, Andrew. 1998. “The Causal Devolution.” Sociological Methods & Research 27: 148-181.
➤Abbott, Andrew. 2005. “Linked Ecologies.” Sociological Theory 23: 245-274.
➤Abbott, Andrew. 2007. “Against Narrative: A Preface to Lyrical Sociology.” Sociological Theory 25: 67-99.
➤Sewell, William H. Jr. 2005. “Three Temporalities: Toward an Eventful Sociology.” Pp. 81-123 in Logics of History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
第6周:场域与惯习 Field and Habitus
➤ST, Chapter 15, pp. 371-400.
➤Bourdieu, Pierre. 1984. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
➤Martin, John Levi. 2003. “What Is Field Theory?” American Journal of Sociology 109: 1-49.
第7周:实用主义与关系社会学 Pragmatism and Relational Sociology
➤ST, Chapter 19, pp. 500-528.
➤Emirbayer, Mustafa. 1997. “Manifesto for a Relational Sociology.” American Journal of Sociology 103: 281-317.
➤Emirbayer, Mustafa, and Chad Alan Goldberg. 2005. “Pragmatism, Bourdieu, and Collective Emotions in Contentious Politics.” Theory and Society 34: 469-518.
➤Gross, Neil. 2009. “A Pragmatist Theory of Social Mechanisms.” American Sociological Review 74: 358-379.
➤Liu, Sida, and Mustafa Emirbayer. 2016. “Field and Ecology.” Sociological Theory 34: 62-79.
第8周:交换与权力 Exchange and Power
➤ST, Chapter 5, pp. 94-122.
➤Blau, Peter. [1964] 2017. Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: Routledge.
第9周:网络与资本 Network and Capital
➤Coleman, James S. 1988. “Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital.” American Journal of Sociology 94: S95-S120.
➤Burt, Ronald S. 1997. “The Contingent Value of Social Capital.” Administrative Science Quarterly 42: 339-365.
➤Lin, Nan. 1999. “Building a Network Theory of Social Capital.” Connections 22(1): 28-51.
➤Erikson, Emily. 2013. “Formalist and Relationalist Theory in Social Network Analysis.” Sociological Theory 31: 219-242.
➤Bourdieu, Pierre. 2013. “Symbolic Capital and Social Classes.” Journal of Classical Sociology 13: 292-302.
第10周:规训与惩罚 Discipline and Punish
➤Foucault, Michel. 1979. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage Books.
第11周:女性主义与交叉性 Feminism and Intersectionality
➤ST, Chapter 17, pp. 432-462.
➤Collins, Patricia Hill. 1986. “Learning from the Outsider within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought.” Social Problems 33: s14-s32.
➤Haraway, Donna. 1988. “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective.” Feminist Studies 14: 575-599.
➤Crenshaw, Kimberlé. 1989. “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.” University of Chicago Legal Forum 1989: 139-167.
➤Choo, Hae Yeon, and Myra Marx Ferree. 2010. “Practicing Intersectionality in Sociological Research: A Critical Analysis of Inclusions, Interactions, and Institutions in the Study of Inequalities.” Sociological Theory 28: 129-149.
第12周:后现代性与后殖民主义 Postmodernity and Postcolonialism
➤ST, Chapter 18, pp. 463-499.
➤Bauman, Zygmunt. 2000. Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity.
➤Go, Julian. 2013. “For a Postcolonial Sociology.” Theory and Society 42: 25-55.